Restricting access to Wet Units

Rene G. shared this question 2 months ago

Our area has entered Stage 3 water restrictions, which eliminates our ability to rent out our wet units. We have several units that are wet and dry so we have them set up as the parent/child relationship. I tried to put the wet unit (set up as the child) out for Maintenance but it took the dry unit out as well. That is what the chat bot told me to do.

I don't want to delete them because then I will have to add them all back when this is over. I have tried several things that the chat bot suggested and none have worked. Any ideas?

Thanks for the assistance

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You will need to unlink them as parent child then put the wet in Maintenance then when your ready to add them back relink the parent/child relationship.


OK thank you. I will try that. The bot told me as long as the wet unit was the child, I could do it in maintenance but it didn't work. Thanks again!


You are very welcome.

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