UTM Codes don't get passed

Chad B. shared this question 36 hours ago

I place UTM codes at most online contact points that aren't being found when someone checks out. I have them for GMB, G Ads, FB Ads, usually for emails too. And none of them ever show in the CRM. I'm wondering if this is because I don't allow online booking so it gets lost when they come back to sign the contract after we manually send an email. I wonder this because most of the sources are tracked as manual email and the email sent is the contract email. I wonder if it would be better to track UTM values of quotes submitted instead of contracts confirmed? It appears the only time it shows as anything other than a manual email is if it's a lead form I've built with Elementor.

Comments (1)


Right now, any links sent out via email from within IO will automatically be wrapped with parameters without you needing to do anything. The only way UTM will come in, though, is if the person clicking the link from the email is able to take action on whatever landing page they are being directed to. Basically, they need to create a new lead for it to work… whether it be quoting, filling out a CTA form, etc.

So, for marketing campaigns, you have to be intentional about creating that link ahead of time for social media or any ads. Here is a link to a builder that helps create a quick link to use: https://ga-dev-tools.google/campaign-url-builder/.

You just need to create the link in that builder and then make sure your form/landing page has the form fields that will grab those parameters when the lead is imported.


Ok. I understand all that. I have UTM Parameters on all my ads, Facebook and Google, as well as my gmb link. When someone uses one of those methods and gets a quote the UTM fields don't fill out on the lead. When we review the lead and send them the contract they are then filled out from that email. What I need is the parameters from my add to show when the lead is created. Based on the information given it is being filled out once they sign the contract.... UNLESS the lead was created by a ln elementor form on a landing page.


Let me see if I understand.

When they come through elementor forms the UTM is tracked properly. When they get a quote, they are not? When you email a contract for a quote that didn't have UTM params, it fills in as manualemail?

I think the way it works is that we save the UTM data in cookies and when a form is submitted (quote included) on the website, we save those UTMs on the lead. If other work is done with the lead such as them clicking on a contract link, we might overwrite them. I'll check so we can fix that. Am I missing something else from what you are saying?



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