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Accessories not showing up on lead report when trying to make a list for linen sub rental?

Eric A. shared this question 7 years ago

What I'm trying to do is make a list of all the linens that I would need for a particular week. What I have done is made a custom report with the fields below and searched the keyword linen.

Lead Start Date,Rentals Category,Rentals Qty, and Rentals Name

The issue is that the colors don't show up next to the rental item because they are accessories. Is there a way around this? I need the custom report to have a list of the linens sizes and colors on it so I can send that to my linen company that I use.

Also if there is another way to make this report I would like to know!

Thanks Eric

Comments (6)


I think the only way to do this would be to key off of the name of the accessory (color). You can create your list of colors in the filter and save the filter for later use so that you don't have to keep recreating it. The "Save" button for the filter is near the bottom left of the page (just below the status check boxes).

An alternative way to do this may be to enter the vendor you are getting the items from and key off of vendor name. Our next release will include some more vendor stats and tools, but here is a link to some documentation on what we have so far:

I don't think this document specifies this, but you can type "vendor: [name of the vendor]" in the keyword box to filter leads down with only line items with that vendor attached.




Ok today I worked with this and it doesn't seem to be working either way. I tried keying of the color in the keyword section with (rental: Black) this shows all the orders with this color linen on it on the initial screen which is one order. But when I do the custom report that I made the rentals name section only shows the the quantity and that the linen is black and does not show the size of the linen which is 60"x 120". It does however show on the email invoice the correct way of " Black Linen 60x120 Linen qty1". This is what I need so that my supplier can read it and send the correct linens to me.

For the Vendor Idea its the opposite. First I put in the keyword box (vendor: Choice Party Linens) next i do my custom report, and all that shows is the size of the linen which is 60"x120". I also took it a step further and Impute both the (vendor: Choice Party Linens) and (rental: Black) and that brings up nothing. I'm not sure if I'm doing it rite.

What I need this software to do is allow me to make a list of all the linens that I need for an upcoming week. I would like this list to include the customer name, event date, the linen sizes, quantitys, and colors laid out efficiently. The list needs to have all the orders for the time period selected with only the linens on there and no other rental items. During the summer months my linen order can become over 100 or so linens. What I'm trying to avoid is going into each contract and manually writing up the list that I would need to send to my linen company.

Thanks Again Eric


My only thought is to enter the linen as such in IO:

rental item: Linen, accessory: Black 60x120

Then when you do a report, put in the Lead columns you want plus the Rental Names and Rental Qty columns. This will cause it to display a row for each rental of each lead in the report. Then group by Rental Names in the report so it totals by each rental. Then ignore the Linen name and just use the accessory name of Black 60x12, etc. to know what you need.


OK so with that being said I would have to make up an Accessory Item for every linen item that I own. Like

Black 90" Round, Black 108" Round, Black 120" Round, Black 90x132", Black 90x156".

I'd have to do that for every color linen which would equate to about 40 different colors at 5 different sizes totaling about 200 Accessories. Is that what you would suggest? Currently in the software that I am using I have to list the linens individually already. I'm fine with that idea as long as it is recommended? Sorry to be a pain again. Eric


I'd like to give you a better option, but that's the only way I can see you getting what you want. Probably the best thing to do is to make a few and run a couple tests to see if everything works the way you want before spending all the time on it.


Yeah that makes since, I don't mind doing it that way. I tried a few tests already and I like what I saw. Thanks Again

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