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Vendor tools help

Casey Z. shared this question 7 years ago

I can't figure out how to get any use out of the vendor tools. I create a lead (2033537) with a vendor item, manually send a request to the vendor (me), the vendor (me) replies "Yes to all", then nothing happens. I don't get a confirmation that the vendor has replied. I don't see any way to send a PO to the vendor.

Comments (8)


Go to Settings->Alerts->Vendor: Availability Response and turn it on. Read through this documentation to learn more about how it all works.

You will see that the way the rental item is displayed on the lead tells you some information. To send a PO, move the status of the lead up to a higher status. Then go to the contract tab and select the PO to send.


Thanks for the reminders about the Alerts Center and the location of the Vendor PO email.

I am still confused about one thing - am I just supposed to ask the vendor to enter the pricing in the notes, or what? I thought the vendor was asked for pricing when this was initially released, but now the email only asks for availability. Is there another setting for that?

One more thing: Can you guys add the HTML code or whatever is necessary to get the advanced times to show on the availability request and vendor PO? I don't know how to do that.


Advanced times support for vendors is coming with the next release. I'm checking into the pricing box. Thanks.


The issue of the missing amount boxes should be fixed now. Thanks.


Advanced times seems to be working for vendors. Check out my fake lead 2041999. It shows up on my customer contract, so I assume it can be added to the vendor request and PO.


It can be put on a PO. The page where they agree to the availability doesn't show them yet though.


I agree i will also need the advance times set up on our vendor requests


That is coming.


The other issue I have for Vendor is for my face painter, Magician etc. I consider these vendors and not employees because I sub-rent them out. That is why I had to update my PO Form with customer contact info so those vendors can see it. Maybe need to see if there is a way to break those type of vendors out. Performers vs rides etc.


We're in the design phase coming up with the best way to implement this database of vendor profiles. We have to be sure to do it in a way that allows us to expand upon it easily for more features in the future, so we're going heavy on the up front planning before implementing things with quick fixes. Thanks for the feedback.


I love the price box and notes working now...

the issue i have is i get several emails for the same action

i tested on 1189790 and when i sent a rock wall quote to myself i got the request to my email like a vendor

then as a vendor i accepted it

then as the admin i got an email saying it was accepted 2 times without the price then 1 time with the price

so for some reason the vendor accepting action is creating several emails for the same action taken by the vendor


it also does the same thing on a reject less 1 email with the price is what doesnt show up since it was declined

this shows in the log each time


You get multiple responses because if "Yes to All" or "No to All" is clicked, it saves and triggers an email alert. Then if they update something else on the page, it does it again. I'll see if we can make the alert smarter.


You have to make it smarter and r use dumber people hahaah

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