Delivery planner schedules get deleted when editing

Ryan F. shared this question 3 months ago

Several times we have edited the delivery planner schedule for an employee by changing the time and hitting save only to find out later that it has completely deleted a shift. This has caused workers to not show up to shifts we thought they were scheduled for. I am wondering if a few things could be done to prevent this. It appears that if you edit a time and it doesn't save it completely removes the schedule. It seems like it would be better if if left the original schedule rather than fully deleting it. Is it is possible to get an alert on screen that the shift has been deleted or an email or text or warning? For some reason the changes are not saving sometimes and there is no indication that it has not saved. This has happened twice this week

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Comments (5)


Did you save the shift AND the route using the button just under the map? Common issue.


Yes I did, well I clicked both buttons, but obviously it didn't actually save it.


We can put in a request for an alert for this...but do be sure in the meantime you are pressing "save shift" under the shift/schedule as well as "save" on the planner page when you are done. It wont' save correctly if not done this way


Thank you, yes we make a practice of this but sometimes there appears to be a glitch and it is not saving as it should and there is no message or warning to tell you otherwise, it just deletes it.


Also, do you have any examples of when you made an edit but deleted instead? A date, truck, and shift? Thanks


Yes the image attached shows the last time this happened. The start time was 5:45 and I changed it to 5:00 a.m. and it deleted that was sometime yesterday late morning I believe and we noticed Italy last night that the shifts weren't deleted entirely when the workers asked us if they were still scheduled. I went back in and out of the shifts back so it's currently showing correct


What exactly were the workers seeing after the change? Because I am not showing anything was deleted? Just changed


After the change their shifts were completely gone I had to add them back


We tested this out throroughly...only time we could get the shift to delete was if we didn't click "save shift" before we saved the whole page:


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