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Can I Blacklist a customer

Bob M. shared this question 8 years ago

Hi, just wondering if I can black list a customer. Some customers are not worth the trouble its good for us to know who they are in the event they try to reserve again the following year.

Comments (3)


You can't do that yet, but it is commonly requested. We will certainly add that feature at some point. For now, you can make a note on the customer profile so that you know when leads come in from those customers.


When Blacklisting a customer, does it recognizes only one phone number or all listed under the client's profile. Also, what about email addresses, first and last names, home addresses... can it recognizes it frim that as well??


We use a number of parameters to try to match the customer. Email is the primary field we use. If it matches, we don't create a new customer profile and would then respect the blacklist flag. If a new profile is deemed necessary based on the customer information, it would not match any blacklisting flags.

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