sales tax report not showing correct data

Steve S. shared this question 22 days ago

the total sales tax in the attached is calculating correctly, but the untaxable amount is showing as $0 when it should be $100. any idea why?

also is there a setting so that when refunds are given it results in the negative amount of sales tax owed?

Comments (6)


$100 would be the non taxable subtotal in this case. I have added those columns for you. When you list the payment amount and it was actually a refund it will show the negative sign in front of it

Here's an example of me running the report for the Dwyer:



If you want all payments on a lead to show on the same line...we will need to make some more adjustments? Let us know


is there a way to make this report show total sales tax for lead not just for the payment they've made. for example in may i have lead # 22326613

when i pay my sales tax i pay it monthly on only completed jobs that occurred that month, so i sort by date range 5/1-5/31 and then status complete

he has not paid in full yet so i won't be paying the right sales tax, and then i won't see if again due to my filtering


So do you not want it to show on report until complete AND paid in full?


I'd like to pay the full sales tax on any completed lead that had an event date during the time span selected whether it is paid in full or not.... then it is on me to get the final payment and once i do i don't have to worry about if i paid sales tax on that payment or not yet.. if i don't pay it now then i will never see it in a report again since i filter this way

in MA sales tax is not due until the service has been rendered. ideally i wouldn't pay sales tax on his full amount until the final payment is made but i don't see an easy way to keep track of this.. it is easier to just pay the full sales tax amount on the lead in the month that the service is rendered and adjust at the end of the year for the one or two who i never got final payment from


I created Sales Tax2 this and put in your event dates you'd like to see. Let me know if this works better

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