Google Calendar: Entry Time Dropdown

Jennifer C. shared this question 10 months ago

Hi! I'm trying to make an entry specifically for Pick-Up.

My Drop-Off entry start time choice is Travel Start - Event Start. So it encompasses the driving to the location and setup. I'm trying to do the same thing for Pick-Up; however, I cannot figure out the choice for the entry start time. If I choose Travel Start, it gives the time you start driving to the Drop-Off, not the Pick-Up. The closest I can get is Event End or Tear Down Start but that doesn't add in the time it takes to drive from the warehouse to the location or the previous event.

Is this even possible to do? Thank you so much!

Comments (1)


No sorry, this isn't possible at this time. ...because even if you use travel end it would show when you start traveling back to warehouse. The only way to list out all this would be through the delivery planner...the the times all would show on the vehicle packing list. This video starts from our old software but if you go to Logistics-->Delivery planner you will start at same spot:

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