Credit Card info not always saving with Square

Justin S. shared this problem 9 months ago

I am having issues where not all of my Square credit cards save as a payment we can charge later. I have all of my contracts pay a deposit via Square, and all the deposits are showing in IO, but sometimes It has an option for me to recharge that card, and sometimes it does not. What am I doing wrong here? One of the main reasons I want a credit card upfront is for "incidentals," but if it's not saving the card, I have no way to charge it if there are issues.

Best Answer

Yes you can disable Google Pay and apple pay. Forcing a manual entry of the card. A lot of us have it setup this way. In Io go into your payment methods and simply delete OR inactivate the apple pay/google pay options.

Comments (1)


Do you have any examples? Normally, it's because the merchant bank won't save prepaid cards, credit card gift cards, etc....there wouldn't be a way to recharge these.


Sure there are a few in my account.




Yes, I forgot Square allows Apple and Google pay. If payment made this way it wouldn't be saved on the lead. Only if directly is entering their card info can it be saved


Thanks. I am going to look into Square and see if there is an option to not accept Apple and Google and force them to enter the card.


Yes you can disable Google Pay and apple pay. Forcing a manual entry of the card. A lot of us have it setup this way. In Io go into your payment methods and simply delete OR inactivate the apple pay/google pay options.


Thanks, Josh. This is exactly what I was looking for. We need to force them to put the card on file for incidentals.

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