Additional Hour Price is Wrong

Matthew H. shared this question 9 months ago
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I have one more item that the additional item pricing seems to be wrong. Works correctly on every other item

Comments (2)


I have developers looking into this.


Hey Matthew,

Just for convenience, so you know or can point another employee to it, here's the last issue that was similar:

From looking at it, I guess I kind of left out the most important part which was how to get an item's ID to add or swap with the one in the code I added so it's easy to do for any other items that have this issue moving forward. In InflatableOffice, if you click the settings gear at the top right, then select Inventory and navigate to the item in question, the URL contains it's item ID which is how, for specific pages on your site, we differentiate each page since they're automatically generated.

So once you have the item id:

- the code can be copy/pasted right above the line with the comment /*end of on-ready*/ [A. in screenshot "shortcoder" below]

- which can be found easily after navigating in your wordpress admin dashboard [B in screenshot "shortcoder" below]

- inflatable office plugin settings [C in screenshot "shortcoder" below]

- shortcoder [D in screenshot "shortcoder" below]

- then select "io_cart" [E in screenshot "shortcoder" below] which brings up the specific shortcoder we recommend adding additional code to

- once it's loaded, hold the "ctrl" button and press "F" which brings up the search function of your browser [F in screenshot "shortcoder" below]

- search for "on-ready" (I already did in the screen shot as you can see)

- add the following code with the specific item ID and price you want to set instead of the [replace item ID here] and [replace price here]: (G in screenshot "shortcoder below)

jQuery("#io_all_prices > div.io_product_price_box.io_product_price_additionalhour.io_product_price_additionalhour_[replace item ID here] > p.io_product_price_left").text('[replace price here]');

- as seen in the screenshot I already added the line of code with the correct item ID and price requested, so you don't need to do it for this specific rental

- then click the "update"(can also say "Create Shortcode" but still functions as "Update") button at the bottom of the screen [G in screenshot "shortcoder below]

Moving forward though we generally request you pay for support for customizations or a higher tier of the website package since the specific way you want to use this is not yet a feature in our software. We do take feature requests though, but it is currently the thick of our busy season so most features are on hold until things cool down towards the middle of summer.



PS - I noticed after hitting "update" on the shortcode that the page is still showing the wrong additional time pricing. The reason is that this particular item is actually considered an accessory of the "Ultimate Foam Party Experience" rental but is set in that rental's accessory settings to "display as separate item" which changes up the code that you would need to add to the shortcoder just a little bit. Technically it's "itemID" is a combination of it's parent rental's ID and it's own separated by an underscore ("_"). This is pretty easy to find too:

- on the rental page press the "F12" key to bring up your browser's developer tools

- on the developer tools partial that comes up click the cursor arrow that when hovering over it displays the "Select an element in the page" tooltip ("select an element" screenshot included)

- this should bring up the HTML where the product prices are stored and the item ID should be repeated a bunch of times (I put a box around the full item id in the "accessory item id" screenshot included below, the star is the part you click on after doing the step before this)

- then just replace the item ID and price in the following code with what you're thinking: jQuery("#io_all_prices > div.io_product_price_box.io_product_price_additionalhour.io_product_price_additionalhour_[replace item ID here] > p.io_product_price_left").text('[replace price here]');

which should now look like this:

jQuery("#io_all_prices > div.io_product_price_box.io_product_price_additionalhour.io_product_price_additionalhour_1764375_1827057 > p.io_product_price_left").text('$299.00');

and then it should be good to go. (completed screenshot below)

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