Start time or End time from Routing Variable

Robert J. shared this question 10 months ago

Hello! I'm trying to find the variable that can pull the arrival time for the driver based off of routing and it knows that the time is either setup or pickup. It would be similar to the *delivery_or_return* variable. I'm tired of writing this time down on the vehicle packing list. Thank you!

Comments (2)


This is a tough variable. I mean. the variable itself is easy. BUT to get the exact time, you have to make sure there are red lines on the routing software


the variables are: *fullsetuptime* and *fulltdowntime*

If that red line isn't there, it will pull the delivery and return windows instead.


You can see that when you place the event in the routing, it generates a half hour time block (circled in red). How can I get that half hour time block on the packing list?


That's the time it takes to set up the job. Not the arrival time.


Good to know but that time matches up with the time on the side. Is there not a way for the arrival time, when routed, regardless of setup or pickup, to show up on the packing list?


I may not be understanding what you're asking. Use the setup window and the teardown window variables on the packing list to get that box you circled OR use the variables I showed to get the delivery time and return time. Either way. Use those variables on the packing list to put it there.


Hey Chad. Thanks for trying to help me figure this out. I didn't want both times on the packing list in that box, I just wanted the time specific to the action. If it was a delivery, this is the time it's scheduled to arrive. If it was a pickup, this is the time it's scheduled to be picked up. But your suggestion actually works out better because there are times when drivers may drop off and not pickup. The customer will ask when will it be picked up and they never really know. Now they will! Thank you!


Ooohhhh you wanted one variable that showed the one that was relevant. I'd show both for the reason you're staying, customers ask. But if you wanted only one you could try ~~*d_or_r*==D~*fullsetuptime*~*fullydowntime*~~

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