Customer thank you / Google reviews

Erin S. shared this question 11 months ago

For the first time, a customer received their “thank you” email after their event which has the 5 stars at the top, that they can click on to leave a review and they left a 5 star “review”.

I expected the review to land in my Google reviews, but it went onto my page as a customer testimony.

In settings, under general preferences - reviews, I only have the link to my google review that I had entered.

When I go to edit the “thank you” email in the email center. I am unable to see the code associated with the stars that they click on. I believe this may be where the code needs to be updated to send them to my Google reviews as opposed to an I/O testimonial / survey.

Comments (4)


Might be the weight setting under the google link. If google is the only review page you have, set the weight to 10. If you have more that 1 review site, set a higher weight for the ones that's most important to you.

Minimum rating is whatever you want to show on google. For example; If you set a minimum rating of 4 and client rates 3, it will redirect them to customer testimony. If they were to rate 4 or higher it would direct them to google.

We have 3 review sites, Google being set at 7 for weight and minimum rating of 4. If a client clicks on 4 or higher, MOST of the times it will direct them to google. Other times it'll be YP and so on, depending on weight.

Just my 2Cents and what I found that works for us.


Thank you, that makes sense but the Google review page is the only one that I have set in there and it is weighted as a 10. Thank you though!


I tested this out....If I choose 5 stars it goes to Google Reviews...If I choose 4 it goes to the IO customer satisfaction survey. So it seems to be working the way it should.


Hi! But the customer (Keri D.) gave it 5 stars. At least on her  satisfaction survey it is 5 stars. 

 Also, you might already be aware, but when you were doing the test, I got a email bounced back message because of a missing in your email address. 3 Pics below

Thank you!


She may have ultimately given you 5 stars...but if you look at the log of the lead she must have accidentally clicked on 1 star first...and that directed her to the IO survey



Ok got it, thank you! I did see someone else had that same issue when I was searching in help. Where they were told  once customer clicks on a lower star at first, this can happen.

If development could fix it would be awesome, but I understand some things can’t be controlled and you’re interacting with google’s software etc. Thanks again!

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