Recording unearned revenue

Steve S. shared this question 12 months ago

We are recording our deposits from customers as unearned revenue, and recognizing them as revenue only after the service is completed

What is the easiest way to see what a deposit into our bank account consist of ?

1. new customer deposits to be recorded unearned revenue

2. Final payment to be recorded as revenue


3. previously paid deposits that now need to be moved from unearned revenue to revenue

Comments (1)


I would think the best way to see this would be to build a report for payments (a leads report) and also have the status on the report? I am not sure how you are doing this...but if you get a deposit and they don't go through w/ the event are you marking the cancelled status? If so, that would probably be the way to see the ones that are true payments toward an event or unearned long as you've been consistent w/ these leads.

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