Notes fields

Michael D. shared this question 13 months ago

What is the difference between these 3 fields below? I don't find them clearly defined in the documentation. Thank you.




Comments (5)


1) Display the event notes set on a lead

2) The only difference between the two is that eventnotes converts new lines to HTML new lines, whereas eventnotes_text does not. So using eventnotes may be preferred when new lines are present in the event notes and you want to ensure they are preserved when displayed in templates.

3) Display the customer notes either set on the customer profile or lead under the customer section. These carry over to each place so if you set customer notes on a lead they will carry over to the customer profile or vice versa.


I want to make sure that I'm understanding you accurately. Are you saying that eventnotes includes line breaks in the text but eventnotes_text just presents what was typed all as one paragraph and ignores line breaks?

Further, I see *eventnotes* being used on the default IO invoice as well as the contract..

It is safe to say that with the off the shelf IO product, on certain forms and templates, clients will see the *eventnotes* field but they will never see the *customernotes* field with the default product?

I need to be sure that I don't accidentally put sensitive info in the wrong place. Thanks Gabrielle.


Yes if you have line breaks in the event notes using the eventsnotes it will display the line breaks and eventnotes_test will not. Customer notes would never been customer facing unless you added it to a customer facing template. It is not used in IO default templates.


Got it. Thanks again.


You're welcome

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