Website Package page is confusing and not working as intended

Ricky O. shared this question 13 months ago
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I am having an issue with creating a package. I set it up how everyone recommended on here and in Chad's videos. On the backend while manually entering in the order, everything seems to work as intended. However the page that the package is on does not look good at all, and if I were a customer, I would be very confused on what to do or how to order the package. See the screenshot attached. I have tried many different settings to see if things would change the page, but it would not do a thing. I'd preferably like the customer to choose their option on the page prior to adding to cart, but IO only allows the customer to add to cart and then choose options while there. Is this correct? In my package it has a Choose Bounce House option for with 3 chooses, and it currently has 1 mandatory option to add 2 tables and 12 chairs. Any suggestions on how to clean this page up or why it displays this way?

Comments (2)


Honestly, I'm a little confused with the DOC file. Seems like it may not be loading all the way. Can you share screenshots of your settings? If I'm seeing correctly, you have some settings wrong.


Just added the screenshots of the settings, sir.


Try unchecking "list accessories as dropdown" in the package portion. Also, it may not matter but I don't think you have to set a limit of the accessories in the package either. but it may not hurt.


Chad, I appreciate your help. I tried both of those options without success. I believe once the "list accessories as dropdown" is unchecked and you hit "save" then it auto checks it for you again. I also tried it with the other option listed and that was an even bigger mess.


Hmmm.... IO will get it fixed. they've helped me with mine. Packages seem to be something they're still figuring out how to get it to display properly.

In the mean time, people will still be able to check out with it. the options would just be made in the cart instead of on the product page.


I appreciate you taking the time to help. Thanks for all the content you provide as well.


The accessory items get duplicated when the rental items offered in the package themselves ALSO have accessories. We have a fix for this...letting a developer know that it needs fixed for you


Look at mine too. I have a ton of accessories duplicated and then my other "choice" items aren't showing at all.


Susan, I appreciate you getting back to me. Is there a cleaner way to offer packages as far as being on the Package Page and being able to go ahead and select what is wanted in the package without having to put the items in the cart then select them at checkout? Secondly, if I want to make another package in the future, do I need a developer to unlock this said feature every time?


The package page should list out the options they have for the "choose bounce house" and let them choose from that page. We will get this fixed as well


Thank you for the help. I appreciate it.

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