Payment Only Permission

Greg H. shared this idea 9 months ago

We need the ability to have a user permission to only allow them to search up a lead and post a payment, no other changes allowed

The current edit or add a payment allows that user full edit ability to the lead which is not a good thing. That allows them to much edit power.

can we get a TRUE payment only permission instead of the current one that is in the permission tab?

Comments (1)


Hi Greg,

I can understand the reasoning for your Idea and I will ask our development team if its possible to increment this in permissions. I will send you a personal message regarding their answer.

Thank you,


thank you .. i just dont think any of us with larger operations want all staff to have access to make order edits until they have reached a level that would keep them from making a huge mistake.. posting a payment is fixable should they mess up, but deleting items changing qty or changing a date could be a HUGE issue if and event is messed up or missed


I can completely understand the reasoning behind this idea. The Ticket to our Development team has been submitted and is under consideration and will be reviewed in a timely matter. Thank you for your idea also. When our development team reviews this case and has a determination I will then follow-up with you on their decision.


Hi Greg,

The Development Team changed it so that a payment can still be submitted with "read only" leads permission (as long as they have the Lead Payments permission). **This is possible by setting “Leads” to Read Only, “Lead create” and “Lead delete” to None, and “Lead payments” to Full Access.**

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