missing information on packing lists

Marcus S. shared this question 19 months ago

I have noticed that I am missing information on my packing lists. It isn't showing the contents that are needed on certain deliveries but others it will show all the items. for instance the "grouped packing list" on page 2 of the attachment doesn't list the needed contents for each item. Additionally on page 3 it lists the items being picked up but on page 7 it doesn't list the items being delivered, even though they are the same items.

I have looked at other packing lists for other vehicles and noticed that seem to be ok so I am wondering if it is a vehicle issue but I am not sure. Any advice on fixing this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Comments (4)


(page3 vs page 7) Do you have more than one item named "20x20 White Pole Tent"? If so, you may check the packing list/accessory list for each to see if they match.

(grouped List) It looks to me like it's showing the needed items from page 7 but missing the items from page 3. This is because page 3 is being picked up not delivered. The lists on page 2 are deliveries only.

Additionally, I can help you fix your packing list and make it easier to read. As an example, it appears you're using IO's rental loops on the packing list pages for the inventory. It has a problem with lining items up. When I was using it, We missed things all the time. I've attached the code I wrote to fix that specifically. Placing it is easy. Simply add the code between the <style> and </style> to the same section of your current packing list. Then replace IO's rental loop code with the one I provided below the Style Sheet. This will help see what's where.


Marcus, can you tell us which items are missing what? Not sure what we are looking for


I am sorry, my staff came in and were up in arms about it but it turns out it was simply the surface type for that product was not allowed and it didn't click with me right away what the reason was for not printing the contents!


Thanks for the update on this going to close this out.

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