Help With Packing Lists

Daniel F. shared this question 20 months ago

I have 8 different surfaces, 4 surfaces "public event" same 4 surfaces for "private events" . I'm trying to make my packing lists flow smoothly so that it creates one nicely grouped and organized packing list per truck. However, when I edit the quantity on one surface for say "40inch Stakes", it changes the quantity of that item on all other "surface" lists. i tried switching Group? to = NO, but it still changes quantities across surfaces.

Please let me know how I can edit it so that I can have the exact same title , aka, "40inch Stakes", that way the system combines and prints one number for the truck packing list - but that I can have "Grass - Allow Stakes - Public Property" = 12 "40inch Stakes" but for the same inflatable I need "Grass - Allow Stakes - Private Property" = 6 "40inch Stakes".

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from someone.

Comments (6)


Are saying the vehicle PL isn't grouping an item if it isn't on the same "surface"?

Let's say if you have 40 inch stakes spread across 3 different's separating them?


No, in creating the packing lists. So I'm in "Inventory" , Packing Lists, Items. Here, we have our 8 different "surfaces" - If i change the quantity of "40inch Stakes" in one surface, it edits the quantity in all other surfaces - note - ONLY if i already have that EXACT item on the other lists. It's not like it will create that item on the other lists. However, if the item is listed on the other surfaces, then I edit the quantity, it will edit the quantity for the other surfaces packing lists > same inventory item only > still on the inventory item page.


We have tested on a couple of our demo accounts and we are unable to replicate this behavior. Can you give us an item this has happened on for you? Also would be very helpful if you could get us a video while you are doing this so we can see the exact steps/clicks.


It won't let me attach the video file I made, perhaps it was too large. So I uploaded it to youtube and made it private, but here's the link to it.

The item i was working on in my environment is 27ft Rock Twist Double Lane Water Slide


The team has been made aware of this issue, so please feel free to test - I will be going back through and correcting packing lists once we get it figured out. So don't worry about changing any items/quantities, thank you


Thank you for providing, we have a ticket in with our developers to have this reviewed and will advise when we have an update.


Great thank you!


This was done for convenience as most of the time you wouldn't want to edit each list. We do this when the name matches, so for now, to avoid it you just need to add an item with a different name to that specific list and delete the original. We will come up with a better solution in the future.


I appreciate that! Did you already add that little "apply to all" check box? If so, that's perfect in my opinion!


Looks like it's still in progress with developers to have the check box added, will provide update when done.


Oh ok, I see it already! But thank you


Oh perfect it must have already been added and the task was still showing as in progress. You should be good now, let us know if you run into anything else.

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