CRM is not working

Casey Z. shared this problem 22 months ago
Not a Problem

The CRM is not recording customer activities. This is critical to our operations. The task thing is moderately useful, but I pay for the CRM for the tracking of customer actions.

Please get someone on this.

Comments (1)


Do you have any recent examples we can provide to developers where you are seeing this?


All of them. 14429789 for example. The customer has signed the contract, but in the CRM on the customer profile it doesn't indicate that they opened the contract. Off the top of my head, I don't remember what information showed up in the CRM, but someone at IO should know.


CRM lists all communications including journal entries, phone calls, emails and task also keeps track of last contact and last customer activity (at top of CRM) but it doesn't list each of the customer activities out. You would see these under the lead's log


Susan, I'm referring to the CRM in the customer profile. In the case of this lead, it's Kaitlyn Mason. Is there a chance a developer is working on this? When I checked this morning, it did not show at any point in the CRM that Kaitlyn had opened her contract, but when I look at it now, there are multiple entries that say "Viewed Contract".


Sorry, you gave us a lead # so we thought you were expecting those updates to show on lead as well. Yes...looks like the customer CRM updates were delayed yesterday. CRM is currently being worked on and this may have caused this.


Sorry for the confusion. Glad to hear it's being worked on. Last week was a little bit difficult without that information.

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