
Stephen R. shared this question 23 months ago
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so I charged my first customer and it only charged him the deposit and not the full amount, will I have too call him again for his card info or will it automatically charge it after the event?

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Good morning, do you want full payment when customers pay? If you go to your Email Center you can set up emails to automatically send out to your customers reminding them they still have a balance that needs paid. You can also manually send this customer an invoice and they will be able to pay from there as well. I have also notice that you have marked this lead to complete?


I like the deposit idea, I just don't understand how I charge the balance due. will it automatically do it or do I have to manually put his card info in after event? I had to manually put his info in over the phone and I do not have his email on hand. sorry my first event


and I switched back to confirmed


you can set up an automation to charge the balance if you want

We send out an automatic email telling them this the amount do 2 weeks before event to give them time to pay

if not the automation will run adn charge teh card on file

what processor are you using to process cc charges


If you would like we can send you a calendar so you can set up a google meet?


google meet please


You can only automatically charge a card if you use Global Payments. Normally what users do is charge the customers cards on the day of the event or the day before. IO saves the info on the lead. Take a look at a lead that you have taken a payment on. This info is on the lead under will see the last 4 that you can recharge. You can possibly note on the contract the the day before an event that you will recharge for the balance? OR the day of the even in the morning recharge? Or when you get to the event? Totally up to you.

If you want to set up a meeting here is the link:

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