
Ryan B. shared this question 23 months ago

We are starting up with a small crew. I only want to allow 4 bookings a day. The time window of the rental will be 12pm-4pm. Deliveries will start at 8am and pickups will start at 4pm. The result it each customer will have the inflatable for more than 4 hours but only pay for 4. Is there a way I can make the schedule only allow 4 bookings a day and show the 12-4 schedule?

Comments (2)


Good morning, you have it set to allow 4 bookings per hr, your window for you rentals looks good, you may want to restrict the time pickers so that the customers are not able to select a different time. Let us know if you need help with this.


Could you tell me how to restrict the time pickers? My ideal scenario would be if there was no time choice at all? I’d rather it just show 4 available bookings each day. We can explain the hours they would receive their products on our webpage. Is that an option? Thanks again. Ryan


I can set it up so that the customer wouldn't be able to select anytime other than 12 to 4 and in your Settings--Online Quoting you can set it up to only allow 1 booking per hour. Right now you have it set to 4 per hour.


It would be amazing if you can help me with this. I might be miss speaking though. I would like 4 bookings a day that all start at 12pm and end at 4pm. I don’t want anyone to be able to chose any other time frame than that. We will begin our deliveries much earlier in the morning and pickups will start after 4pm. Our “guaranteed” time for the booking is 12pm to 4pm. If all 4 slots are filled on a particular day then we guarantee delivery by 12pm and begin then pickup process no earlier than 4pm. So if possible, I’d like customers to only be able to chose a booking time of 12pm-4pm and I would like 4 of those available each day. Thanks again! Ryan


ok I have restricted the time pickers so the only times that can be chosen are noon to 4pm....I can put a message in the cart saying something like this:

All events will start at 12pm and end at 4pm, all deliveries will start in the morning, and pick-ups will begin after 4pm.

Let me know if this is ok or if you want it to say something else.


This is great! Thank you so much. We can also explain our delivery process elsewhere on the website to help make it clear! Thank you so much


Very welcome!


Hi there, I hope you don’t mind but I’ve come up with a few more questions. I’ve attached pictures to explain this time as well. 1. Is there a way the customer can just check out and pay the deposit instead of requiring a quote? 2. Can we remove the grass-no stake options and gravel options? 3. Can we remove the delivery type and tax exempt options?


Good morning:

1. You cannot skip the quote process.

2. I can removed these surface if you want, but what if you have a situation where the customer has gravel or needs stakes?

3. You offer two delivery types Drop-Off and Fully Staffed the customer needs to decide which one they will be needing, I have removed the Tax-Exempt.


Thanks again!! I want to keep the grass- stakes option. I want to remove the grass- no stakes option. Anytime we set up on grass we will be using stakes and they will be our insurance approved stakes is why I only want one option.


Ok I have removed this one for you then. If you ever need to put it back or remove others, you can do this by going to your Settings-->Surfaces.

Have a great day!


Thank you so much! You’ve been a huge help


Thanks! :)

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