Organizational Importer

Greg H. shared this question 2 years ago
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When we run the script, will we get the option to skip manually like we do in customer merge.. the directions doesnt really explain all that so i was worried about clicking the run i was afraid i might loose data

This script will associate any Customer Records that share an Organization Name with an Organization Record

  • If an Organization Record doesn't yet exist with that name, a new one will be created
  • If a Customer Record is already associated with an existing Organization Record, it will be skipped

Run Script

Comments (2)


It looks like you just Run Script and it does it for you...but I am not sure if this is working yet. I tested out on my account and I don't think it did anything


thats why i was worried about clicking it

i would love to get all my companies under one umbrella etc but worry that it will mess up all my data :)

Thanks :)


Don't be such a chicken, Greg! Just try it and see what happens, LOL


Oh idk about all that can't afford to have 1000's of leads messed up


Same. I'm not trying that until at least a few other people have tested it. Let me know if you try it.


i was telling chad today.. i have a country club that has several buyers and we already have them set up as an organization for billing.. well some of the organization names was entered different so today a made them all the same and everyone of the contract showed up under the customers on the organzation tab and i didnt do anything other than manually fixing all the org names to the same thing :)

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