Incorrect Sync Of Inventory

Richard J. shared this question 23 months ago
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This is a regular occurrence when using copying inventory from existing items.

Sku 1812103 was created via copying 1810031.

The link in the category page is incorrect and links to 1810031 despite the title showing correctly

Please check and advise

Comments (3)


Two things that may solve the problem I'm sure you may have already done them since you say it's a regular occurrence you need to go to settings WordPress and the website and force sync it and then also go to your browser clear the cache and then revisit the website sometimes it takes a little longer for the links to show corrected how long was it between when you created the inventory item and you viewed it


Yes, have done both of these. As you mention, we seem to have the problem a fair bit.

Oddly enough, something is happening in the sync because we've even manually updated the category page url inside WP and it will work for a while (until it syncs again?) and then it reverts back to the incorrect url

Re timeline - this was created a few days ago now but oddly enough, along with another 10 of them. All the other ones are fine.


I've seen this problem, and I've been able to correct it every time by deleting that page from my website. Once it re-syncs, everything is fine.


That's a good idea. I'll try it now


Did it work?


I have to check WP when I get on desktop to make sure it's not cached but it doesn't look like it.

The original sku (10x60) clearly had something go wrong with it as well as the url has had "-3" added to the end of it meaning it's the third time that page has created itself

Not ideal


I used to get that "-2" or "-3" a lot, on category pages and item pages. I don't see it much anymore, but it does still happen. It's always been corrected by deleting every version of that page from the website.


But alas...we should not have to if the function is there😉

Users that don't even know what a "url" is would be oblivious to it all.

I guess the point is instead of this taking 1 hour to create my 10 items, I'm no closer to finishing a week later.

Hopefully they can work it out.


I don't think they will. It's definitely better than it used to be, but I think it's just one of those things we have to live with for now. I just looked at yours, and it is still messed up. I think you need to delete both of your 60m pages, and maybe your category page too. If your category page has customizations, be sure to save that information before deleting.


Deleting the 42m page seems to have worked. It's recreated correctly

But still can't see why it would mess up in the first place.



When you copy these items...are you copying in the software or on the website???





Just asking because when I go to the item it looks like it copied but didn't update at all?? And the syncing everyone is talking about wouldn't help this at all if the syncing is coming from the software? Sorry just trying to catch up on the conversation. Normally you would create the item in the software first...then update the website? If you created the page in the site first you would have to do what Casey says...delete the page then resync and the item would be created from the software.


Susan, so that you have all the info, this does happen occasionally when creating new items in IO, especially if the new item is copied from an existing item. Whether you wait for it to sync automatically, or force a sync, the link on the website is sometimes messed up. This can also happen after editing an inventory item in IO. It can be fixed almost every time, by deleting the page from the website, and syncing again. After IO creates the new page on the website, the link will be correct.


The syncing should help because if the created page in WP is deleted, IO will recognise its not there and resync from inventory again.

To summarise, I used "copy and close" to create 10 tent sizes IN IO starting with 10x60.

Same process from 10x60 down to 10x33. All the other sizes worked fine except 10x42 which is linking on the category page back to 10x60.

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