Report needed for vendor revenue and costs

Casey Z. shared this question 3 years ago

Can we get a column added to reports for total sales on vendor items? There is one for vendor costs (what we paid to the vendor), but not revenue. "Lead Vendor Cost $ Total" is the one for costs.

Comments (2)


I noticed that the sales stats chart on the dashboard has some of this info if I use the 'Vendor: Rental Statistics' preset. If you're able to add total sales for each item, a column for cost, and column totals at the bottom, I'd be all set.


I am having some technical difficulties today so I wasn't able to make you a video..I will post that later. Here's a screen shot of the filter and report I started for you. The report is saved under Vendor SalesThis should work for what you need:


It's not quite right. This report is adding the cost of all vendors together on each line. So if I have 3 vendors on a lead, it's showing the total cost for all 3 vendors on each line. That's confusing. Do you see what I mean though? The Rental price is working correctly.



I got it! It's "Vendor rental cost" in place of "Lead vendor cost $ total"

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