Quote form not working

adam n. shared this question 2 years ago

whenever a customer hits the book now button on my website and selects an item to add to their shopping cart, nothing makes it into the shopping cart. it stays as (0 items)

I then told them to try and book through the actual inventory on my website fill in their information that way and it allows the items to go into the shopping cart but it gets stuck saying processing after pressing "get quote"

I reached out to others on the facebook group and so far the conclusion we came up with is that there might be something wrong with my quote fill out form. I checked to see if there had been any revisions to the form but there wasnt. If someone could help me out with this issue that would be amazing. I dont know how many auto books ive missed because of this 😬

Best Answer

I see tim got the check out page reset for you in the Facebook post we was in is that correct?

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I see tim got the check out page reset for you in the Facebook post we was in is that correct?

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