Send Quote Reminder

Greg H. shared this question 20 months ago

I would like to send a quote reminder to my clients that enter a quote on line but dont click book now while still on the quote review

I want this to go out 5 mins after the created the quote.

I know we have reminders in teh email center and i have those set for 1 and 2 days later but i wanted to set up an automation and filter

i have set up both

Filter is Quote Time 5 Mins

Automation is Quote Send 5 Mins

I have put in a fake lead 13277335

When i look at the filter and automation it shows 0 leads to be effected by this automation and filter..

Where did i go wrong

Comments (3)


It's because you had the filter for last 0 hours. I changed to last 1 hour and it got picked up. The automation runs on a loop so I cannot guarantee it will go out in 5 mins...but it will go out in a "few" minutes.


thank you

since it allowed me to enter less than 1 i wasnt sure it would work or not that is why i asked..

as NBC would say.. THE MORE YOU KNOW>>>>


yeah, I wish it wouldn't let me enter 0 if it's not going to "recognize" it

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