can't charge card

Ryan F. shared this question 3 years ago

Whenever I try to charge the balance to the card for the order lead below I get the red x circle. I get this when I hover over any portion of the charge existing card.


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Sometimes a profile fails to be created at the time the payment is made. It's rare, but it can happen. Since we don't let the customer credit card info directly go through our server (it gets passed directly to the processor), we have to rely on the response of the processor to create a the credit card profile for the transaction. In this case I do see something in our database though, so I'm digging deeper to find out why it isn't attempting to show that profile for re-charging.


gotcha. ok. thanks


It turned out to be an issue with our code and how we look up saved CC profiles. This could have been related to your other lead as well that you had an issue with. It's working now.

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