Staff Charges Incorrect

Richard J. shared this question 3 years ago

Our staff charges are set to $45/hour and add travel time.

Lead 8027595 has 2 inflatables for a period of 4 hours. The travel time is 30 minutes each way.

My calculation would be $45 x 8 supervision hours + 1 hour travel = $405

The system wants to add $1012.50 per the attached screenshot

Comments (3)


I can see how the number is being calculated using recommended setup/teardown duration, and the 3 staff recommended for the 3 line items there:

(4hr event + 2hr setup + 1.5hr teardown) X $45/hr X 3 staff = $1012.50

But I have a development team member digging more into the code to see why it's not using the numbers on the lead (note: at the moment, you have 0 staff to send on the lead, so our calculation may only be currently using the recommended numbers).


I've confirmed, at this time, it will only calculate with the recommended numbers from the settings:

Total time is set here as either the event time only or the time of the travel, setup, tear down, and event. Travel times are from the warehouse address to the delivery address and back regardless of any alternate planned route. Setup and tear down times are based on settings on inventory regardless of whether those values were changed by the admin specific to that lead.

Changing the staff numbers on the lead will not at this time affect the calculation of the staff charge because this is meant to occur during the initial website checkout, which doesn't allow intervention of any office staff.

The equipment setup fee will show up on events as Delivery Setup Fee and it is based on the staff hourly rate times the length of time needed to setup/teardown an event.


Ok. Thanks Cody.

I thought the additional setting was only event time + travel (not set up as well). Not sure if that's changed recently.

Anyway, I've reverted it back to just event time.

Thanks for looking into it

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