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PayPal "not working" Possible fix?

Alek V. shared this question 9 years ago

So we've had several customers over time tell us they tried to pay using the payment link on their contract, but for some reason they weren't able to. Every time we tried (as if we were the customer), the link worked find and opened the paypal payment page.

What we've just found out is that, in the "Make Payment" section to Finalize Contract, the [Deposit] and [Balance] displayed as check-marked or red X'ed look like buttons but aren't actual buttons, and are just overlayed on the link to the "Make Payment" option... then the customer sees the three options to pay...(required deposit, entire balance, other amount)... But if the customer doesn't realize that the "button" they just clicked on for Deposit/Balance didn't auto-select the bullet before following and clicking on their payment method (in our case..PayPal), THAT'S when there's an error and the page turns blank (fatal error) and they assume it's not working.

so...long story short... is there a way that you can implement these "buttons" to be actually clickable and auto-selecting the bullet mark ?

Comments (3)


How are you getting the error page? When I leave the radio buttons empty and click the PayPal button, it auto selects the deposit amount and works properly. Can you give me step-by-step directions to reproduce this?


I can't replicate it since this morning.

I got that "fatal error" page on two separate customer contracts yesterday, and so assumed it would have been that error from the start.

Leaving the radio buttons empty, when a Deposit is due...goes to PayPal for the deposit amount. Leaving them empty when a deposit has been paid...goes to PayPal for the remaining balance. That's exactly how it should work so maybe it was just a temporary glitch since I/you can't duplicate it again.


Well, if you see it again, let us know. Maybe it was a temporary issue.

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