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Alana G. shared this question 9 years ago


I was wondering if I was able to put the same product on our inventory under different names... for example I add a Margarita Machine and put it on there again as a Slushy Machine to cater to the children parties as well as adults. IF I AM able to, would it count against us as additional inventory items and would they be able to be taken off the same inventory number for reserved? (If we had one slushy machine/margarita machine and they reserve one... Would it take the inventory to reserved and unavailable)

Thank you in advance for your response,

Alana Graham

Comments (2)


Yes, we call these child items. It will count as an extra unit.

See here for instructions on how it works.


After adding your item and saving, use the Add Child button on the right side when viewing the item to create another version of it.

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