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Field to direct to invoice

Brett B. shared this question 9 years ago

I wanted to know since I created an invoice template in the contract settings area if I can send an email and have a link directed to the template so that customers can make a payment. I only saw a field for contract url which directs to my save contract template. Thanks.

Comments (3)


Yes, you can do this. You need to first add the invoice to the lead as if it is a contract. So on the contract tab, edit and click add new. Choose your invoice template and save. You need not make it the active contract. Now, from the drop down where you email out your contracts, select the one you just added. If you made it the active one, it will already be selected. Otherwise, choose it from the list and click the email button. The contract url will point to the correct contract or in your case the invoice.


Please make a direct button or link to an Invoice for each customer, just how there is a receipt.


Good idea. I'll add it to our list.

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