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Rental item missing from the list on the quote but included in the balance

Aaron B. shared this question 5 years ago

ID: 3857133

List of items rented does not include the power generator but the subtotal does include this item.

I've tried removing it and adding back but it does not show up on the quote page.


Best Answer

If you go to Settings -> Inventory and then go to the Power Generator and edit it, down under Advanced Features there is a setting that says "Pages: Select Pages". If you click on Select Pages a window will appear that gives you the option to hide items from certain pages. Right now this item is hidden from the Quote Confirm Page which is why you can't see it. You can click on the check box for Quote Confirm Page to make it visible again. Let us know if you have any questions


Comments (2)


If you go to Settings -> Inventory and then go to the Power Generator and edit it, down under Advanced Features there is a setting that says "Pages: Select Pages". If you click on Select Pages a window will appear that gives you the option to hide items from certain pages. Right now this item is hidden from the Quote Confirm Page which is why you can't see it. You can click on the check box for Quote Confirm Page to make it visible again. Let us know if you have any questions



Perfect! Thank you for the super quick response!

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