All of them. EVERY-SINGLE-ONE. NONE of the inventory on a lead collage shows the primary item image, only the accessories. I'll see if I can upload a screenshot/video from my phone
Just to be clear, this is in the app. Images show fine on contracts, invoices, quotes, etc.
All of them. EVERY-SINGLE-ONE. NONE of the inventory on a lead collage shows the primary item image, only the accessories. I'll see if I can upload a screenshot/video from my phone
Just to be clear, this is in the app. Images show fine on contracts, invoices, quotes, etc.
Any luck with getting us the example video? We are unable to login into your workers app in support so any screenshots or examples would be very helpful.
Any luck with getting us the example video? We are unable to login into your workers app in support so any screenshots or examples would be very helpful.
Can you give us a few example leads?
Can you give us a few example leads?
All of them. EVERY-SINGLE-ONE. NONE of the inventory on a lead collage shows the primary item image, only the accessories. I'll see if I can upload a screenshot/video from my phone
Just to be clear, this is in the app. Images show fine on contracts, invoices, quotes, etc.
All of them. EVERY-SINGLE-ONE. NONE of the inventory on a lead collage shows the primary item image, only the accessories. I'll see if I can upload a screenshot/video from my phone
Just to be clear, this is in the app. Images show fine on contracts, invoices, quotes, etc.
Here's the video. Hopefully it explains it better.
Here's the video. Hopefully it explains it better.
I'm not seeing a video?
I'm not seeing a video?
I thought I uploaded it. One sec.
I thought I uploaded it. One sec.
Thanks for the video, I have taken this to developers for further review. Will provide update when we have one.
Thanks for the video, I have taken this to developers for further review. Will provide update when we have one.
This issue has been fixed
This issue has been fixed
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