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Adding workers name and cell to emails, calendar and packing lists

WILSON C. shared this question 6 years ago

I'm going to add workers names in email notification to customers as well as what goes into my calendar fand packing lists but doesn't seem to show up using the following template variables.

Please let me know how I can fix this:

Setup by: %worker_first_name%Phone: %worker_cellphone%

Also if I have 2 workers with 2 different positions working on the same order..which one will the system populate using these template variables?


Comments (2)


Unfortunately those variables only work in shift loops. You'd have to use one of these:

*workers*List of workers that have a shift on event.Jim Jones, Lazy Joe*workers_novehicle*List of workers that have a shift on event (excludes vehicles).Jim Jones, Lazy Joe


You could try using *workerlist* but Google doesn't support HTML in the calendar notes, so I'm not sure how that would come across.

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