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why when I print a packing slip its too small to read

Ideal G. shared this problem 6 years ago

A couple of months ago I notice that every time I print it is too small, I've adjusted my print to 100% shrink to fit but it is too small to read., I can't seem to adjust my print size to be on 1 page or legible. Please help

Comments (2)


It's pretty uncommon for the contract to fit on one page. If there are gaps or specific spaces you hare having trouble editing in Settings->Contract Templates, we can probably assist you, but you'll have to point them out specifically.


When I print my packing list, it prints too small, I've tried changing the fonts size, but it's not working. any time I print from IO it's too small I'm not able to read it. How can I fix this?


You have varying packing lists for each of your Locations. Which Location's Packing List are you trying to edit?

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