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Tax Rate Changed after updating quote

Aaron B. shared this question 6 years ago


Lead ID: 2412015 when the original quote came in it had the correct tax rate 7.125, I added a coupon/promotion to the quote and the tax rate changed to 6.887. I am using tax cloud, I logged into Tax Cloud, entered the address for this lead and it is coming up with the 7.125 rate. Thoughts on why it is reverting to the base state tax rate?


Comments (3)


We made some adjustments to this code recently to fix a different error. Looks like we may have also caused this in the process. We'll get it fixed ASAP. You can manually change this rate back.


Thanks. I tried to manually changed it back, but, whenever I hit save it reverts back to the 6.877.


I have opened a ticket with Taxcloud and will let you know, but that is the rate taxcloud is returning. When I removed the coupon the rate stayed the same as with it. Also, since you are using taxcloud your are protected even if the rate provided is incorrect.

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