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Venues don't always show up when typing in a new lead

Lora C. shared this problem 7 years ago

Here's an example: Attached is a screenshot of the new lead I'm working on. ID 758799 is the lead that used this venue before. Any idea why it isn't populating? We see this often, but havent had the the time to ask about it.


Comments (5)


It seems to be working for me. Every time you type a letter or space, it sends it to the server to return a list. I've seen it happen before that as it is returning the list, another letter is typed and it gets confused and hides the list. Try typing one letter and waiting. If you open Chrome's web developer tools and look at the Net tab, you'll see it send the request every time you type a letter. If you tab or click out before the list popups up, it will close immediately.


It's doing it now, because I re-added the venue in a new order just now. I'll try to find you another example and add to this inquiry before I re-enter the venue.


LEAD: 881331 All Pro (venue)

Try typing that one in, on a new lead.


This is because of the account split. When you were a multi-location account and were split, some of the venues went to the other account. I'm guessing that lead was a Solon lead at one point. I've fixed it.


that makes sense. thank you. I think we came to that conclusion at one point along the way as well. Thank you

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