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Possible to have different delivery times

Max . shared this question 5 years ago

SO for inflatables might have a delivery time of 8am to 8pm but for Photobooths might be 8am to 2am. Is there a way to set this for each item?

Comments (3)


If you edit a piece of your inventory you'll see a link that says:


If you click on this link it'll open up a section that has a checkbox:


The advanced times on the leads page is used to set different delivery and pick up windows for specific items. Here is a link that explains how you can use Advanced Times. Let us know if you have any questions.


Right I use that for face painting and etc. I just didn’t want to have to put my booking hours for events to be 24 hours


Right now we don't have a way to set up Advanced Delivery Windows, but I'll add this to our product development system and we can work on adding this feature in the future.

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