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Filter Vendor Items in Leads

Jonathan B. shared this idea 6 years ago
Under Consideration

We do weekly vendor checks to make sure that we can send reminders to vendors about upcoming events. (Sometimes we book items months in advance and they forget.) It would be helpful if in the leads we can filter out items that are just vendor based items so that we can quickly see a list of sub-contracted items for more efficient checking.

Comments (2)


A filter is one option. Would an automatic email reminder for vendors be better so that you don't have to bother running through the list and doing it manually?


That would also help, but the filter would be good for filtering which vendors need to be paid for events as well. We use the same method of going though all the orders to make sure all vendors get paid for their work.

Some of our entertainers don't have emails and need to be called as a second note.

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