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Wordpress Plugin - Some Images not Loading

Wendy L. shared this question 7 years ago

We're working on setting up our new website using Wordpress and the IO Plugin, and some of the images loaded into Inflatable Office are showing up great in Inflatable Office, in our Quote Request, and on the Category pages in Wordpress, but aren't showing up in the individual rental pages in Wordpress. (So the image shows up everywhere except the Child Page in Wordpress). It's not specific to one category, or even entire categories, just some of the rentals. I've found that if I re-upload the images for the rentals in Inflatable Office, they then show up on their page in Wordpress. Any idea what could be causing this?

Comments (2)


Most likely the image that was uploaded pre-dates our WordPress plug in, and thus didn't have a file saved for the larger file, just the thumbnail. Before our WordPress integration, we had no need for the full image so only uploaded a thumbnail sized image for the quote form.


That makes sense!! I don't know why that hadn't crossed my mind. Thanks!!

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