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Viewing Sales Tab on Overview, view will not stay on sales

Nancy S. shared this question 9 years ago

When viewing my sales on the sales tab of the overview page, the screen reverts back to the overview after only a few seconds, making it impossible to view sales. Can you help?

Best Answer

This happens if you click Overview at the top, and while that page is still loading you click another tab on the left before it has finished loading. I'll look into fixing it, but in the meantime you'll need to wait until the page is done loading before clicking another tab.

Comments (2)


This happens if you click Overview at the top, and while that page is still loading you click another tab on the left before it has finished loading. I'll look into fixing it, but in the meantime you'll need to wait until the page is done loading before clicking another tab.


I am using Google Chrome. No filters. I will clear my cache, thanks.

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