Payment amounts not matching actual payment on reports

Sara R. shared this question 8 months ago

I set up a report with the goal being that I can see how much has been paid by a lead at any given time as well as the separation from the sales tax and the subtotal.

This report was meant to have multiple purposes, but at the moment most importantly so I can see how much money I should have set aside for deposits received.

I'm reviewing the report and some of my figures don't match. The highlighted amounts reflect payments that not only have not been made, but they are reflecting amounts higher than the actual contract.

It appears that it's adding up the total of the contract (not payments received) and it also seems to be adjusting for price increases on inventory, but those price increases don't apply to these leads since they secured their rental prior the increase.

I'm assuming I've set up my report incorrectly to meet my goals, but can anyone help guide on what fields I should show? I've tried what I believe to be all of the payment type filters and still don't have a report I can trust.

I've attached a screenshot of the report as well as the detail for the two that are highlighted which are the incorrect amounts.

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do you want this report to be all payments totalled on each line...or do you want a separate line for each payment?


Ideally I'd like to see one total per line per lead for what has actually been remitted to us.


Ok, we will have to take things off like...payment date...because you cannot group the dates together like you would the payments? Anything that would be individual payment info would need to be a different report


Hmmm ok.

My goal would be to filter for any event dates from today to end of year (since I know I don't have any reservations past that) that have been paid for (whether a deposit or in full). That way I can reconcile my deposits bank account to ensure it's accurate.

What would be the best way to go about creating that report?

On a separate note, I use the same report, but it is fine to be a separate report, but I use it to also see what I officially earned after a weekend. So every Monday I pull this report but with the "complete" status filter on for the last 7 days and I'm relying on that to tell me the $$ amount to take out of my deposits account and consider earned income (along with it's sales tax amts).

Is the key here to remove the dates from the report itself and just use the filter to indicate the status and event dates I'm trying to look at?


The event dates would need to be entered on the leads page...on the right? That will filter the dates you want to see

I edited this payment work by listing each lead once...and ALL that was paid on it. Take a look...I think it's working the way you want...but we can make tweaks to it if needed


Yes! This is exactly what I was looking for. I had pulled an excel export last night and went through all my complete jobs and had corrected all my totals to be accurate and I just cross checked that with the report in IO and now we match!! And my deposits received also matches what I was coming up with manually.

Thank you so much for your help and explanation. Now I have a better understanding in how I can update some of my other reports too.


No problem. If you need anything else let us know. The reports and filters get easier as you set them up...a little trial and error :)

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