contract link not working?

Ryan F. shared this question 16 months ago

I sent a customer a contract request link and it would not let her book, she still had to request to book it causing a delay in the reservation. The lead ID is below. I have not had this problem before once I upgraded the status to "contract request" and sent the contract.


Comments (3)


Their own booking attempt sent you an alert:



Yes, I understand that. But I had already approved the order, upgraded it to contract request status and sent it before this? why would it still prevent it?


I went to the email and the link is working? What problem is the customer having now?


Ok. I don't know if they are having a problem now because they haven't tried again. I just don't want this to happen again as we will lose leads if they can't book on the spot, it is very much an impulse buy and when the link doesn't work it becomes challenging to run them back down. I really want to know why it did not work the first time when I upgraded their status. I need to make sure it doesn't happen again and want to change any settings necessary to prevent this.


The reason it did not work the first time is due to the restrictions on your Settings-->Online Quoting. As well as the restrictions on Settings-->Distance Charges. These restrictions will prevent the customers from getting to the contract and is why you had to send the contract to them manually.

If you do not want these restrictions in place, you would need to adjust your online quoting and distance charges settings.


Okay thank you I do understand those restrictions. But I thought when I upgraded the status to contract requested and sent it that it would override those restrictions but it does not appear that it did override those restrictions when I manually upgraded the status and sent it over


The restrictions will not allow them to click "Book this Event" on the quote confirm page whether or not you changed the status. You would need to send the contract email directly to your customer when this happens.

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