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Add a 'Unselect All' button to the 'Status' section of the leads page

Benjamin &. shared this idea 10 years ago
Under Consideration

Please consider adding a "Unselect All" button to the 'Status' section of the leads page. As it is currently, if I want to only see completed leads, because the page refreshes with every change to the check boxes, I have to unselect the 'Cancelled' status, then wait, then unselect the 'Quote' status, then wait, etc.

It would save considerable time if I could unselect all of them and then just select the one status I want.


Best Answer

This issue may get tackled in a different manor, such as the ability to save filter settings. Currently though, if you uncheck the boxes quickly, you won't have to wait. We have a one second delay on the checkboxes for this reason: you can uncheck multiple statuses quickly and then let it load the proper leads.

Comments (2)


This issue may get tackled in a different manor, such as the ability to save filter settings. Currently though, if you uncheck the boxes quickly, you won't have to wait. We have a one second delay on the checkboxes for this reason: you can uncheck multiple statuses quickly and then let it load the proper leads.


Hey guys -

The ability to quickly uncheck each of the boxes is great. Thanks for the info.


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