Accessories not under main item in vehicle packing list ?

isabelle A. shared this question 23 months ago
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Would it be possible to place the accessories right below the main item in the group packing list (vehicule packing list)?

It shows correctly in the defaut packing list but not in the vehicle packing list.

See lead 12792095 as an exemple

Defautl packing list, accessories close to main item:


Véhicule packing list:



Comments (2)


I don't think this is possible. This is a "grouped" packing list for the vehicle. It isn't going to be in the same order as the regular packing list


Hello Susan

I think it would practical for everybody if the grouped packing list would list accessories just under the main item as the regular packing list. And then, list the common items

Let me know if this can be done in a near futur.

Thank you

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