siteground hosting

Ryan F. shared this question 2 years ago

is siteground the hosting service being used with our IO Wordpress sites. I am having some performance related issues that I believe our related to my theme on mobile and as well to the hosting. Who can help me with this?

I've got my site blazing fast but my desktop version keeps failing googles core web vitals and my mobile has a failing performance grade of 21 out of 100.

Comments (3)


I can help!

You are correct. Our host provider is Siteground.


ok thanks. I have done everything I can to speed up my WordPress site and get it to perform optimally. Normally I can figure these things out but I keep failing googles core web vitals assessment on the desktop load and on the mobile I have an extremely low-performance score. I hired a wordpress guy to to run some test and fine tune it further but he thinks it is related to hosting and the website theme. I wanted to IO's thoughts and see what I can do to increase the site's performance. thanks


In my experience SG is plenty fast. sometimes the specific server your on could affect this, but when I load up your site the initial page load is in 187ms which is fine. for comparison took 183ms for me

I've tried cloudflare for a few clients in the past bit didn't really help much either, but you might have different results.

honestly these type of things are difficult and time-consuming, and it's easy to break things on the site by trying to optimize things, so care is needed.

The biggest thing I noticed was you have eventhawk pixel installed, but i didn't see a pop-up. When I removed it, it helped a lot (your gtmetrix score when from F to A). the core metric scores on pagespeeds will take 30days to update. If your not not using eventhawk you should remove that code from here

if you are using it then i'd test using defer instead of async on the script to see if that solves it and still allows it to work.

also it's worth realizing that it's nearly impossible to get a great pagespeed insight score without having a very basic static website. google's own new site fails too


Thanks so much for the feedback. No, I am not using Event Hawk anymore, I did not realize they still had stuff on my site. Is that code still present on the site?

I do feel the page speed is good and functional. I was more concerned about why it was failing their assessment and worried about SEO implications.


That code was removed from your site.

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