manger report questions

isabelle A. shared this question 2 years ago


In the manager report (or any survey) ; when we choose ''MATRIX'' would it be possible to have mutliple choice ? For exemple, i would like to have only 1 question with the list of rentals and the manager would be able to choose many between: clean, wet, dirty, damaged, need immediat attention, ect.

ALSO, when using the variable; %eventrentals% it lists all rentals including sand bags and, in our case, volounteers and employees. Is there a way to exclude items from that list ? Kind of excluding them from the packing list or the quote in the advance section of the inventory

That will be also very important for the customer report... as i will not ask the customer to rank his volunteers or my employees....

Comments (4)


Are your sandbags, volunteers, and employees regular inventory items? I have them as accessories, and they do not show up on surveys.


they are not accessories. Having them as accessories would implicate that i go in all my rentals to add them as a possible accessory ? i think it would be too much for us.

I am hoping there is another way ! Thank you for your reply Casey :)


Adding them to every item doesn't take as long as you'd think, and it works great once you get it set up that way. Maybe IO support can do it for you. If not, this is one of those tasks that is much quicker using old IO. Try adding those accessories to 15 items using old IO. Once you figure out the steps, this is an easy task to hand off to anyone in your office.


I didn’t like using them as accessories because, for exemple, we might have 5 inflatables on the contract and send only 2 employees. If they are as accessories, won’t they show only under 1 of the items ? Same for the volunteers, when discussing with the customer we figure out how many they can provide and we then decide how many employees to send, and charged. So putting them as accessories was not our choice…


In that scenario, are your employees roaming around, and not staffing specific items? That is one problem with doing it this way. We usually assign employees and volunteers to items. So the contract might show a slide with 1 volunteer, a 100' obstacle course with 2 volunteers, mechanical bull with 1 Event Staff, Rock wall with 2 Event Staff, etc. In cases where we have staff roaming or supervising, we use a separate inventory line item for that, same as what you're doing.


Exact, we do not staff specific items. Also, we have a few logistical items such as electric pannel, posts, extra electric extension. We had them as items but would not want them to appear on the manager nor the customer report...


I can't come up with a solution for the staff and volunteers. Hopefully io can add the option you asked for in your initial question.

For those extra items, I've got a couple things:

1) Are you paying for those as regular inventory items? Why not make those accessories? I have an item called "Additional items to load" with a long list of those types of items.

2) Have you tried using the hidden category feature? If not, I can test that in a while to see if it will keep those items off the surveys.


Hello Casey, i will think about option 1. It might be interesting.

About option 2; I do not have any ''hidden'' category. we chose to uncheck the ''show item in quote form'' instead for each items of a category we do not want to show on our web site. So, would be great if this could also trigger the item not to show on the surveys ! :)


Items in the hidden category do still show up on surveys, so that won't help you here. Keep it in mind for other purposes though. I just recently learned about it. You can put items in the hidden category, and they don't show up on the website or contract, and they don't count as inventory in your subscription costs. I've been using it for equipment that has multiple uses, such as mechanical bulls, surf machines, and meltdown. Those items can all be constructed in different ways by mixing and matching the motor, inflatable, and attachments. I put all of the pieces in the hidden category, then add them to inventory items as multiple layers of accessories.


Do you know if items that are are NOT showed on the packing list show on the manager and customer report ? That would be a solution for me i think


That did not work. Items that don't show on the packing list do still show on the survey.


tried it and it shows... sadly

And Casey, trying to figure out if i should use a general item called ''Additional items to load'' and put all the logistical items as accessories under that but, on the surveys, you still have that one item show up, no ?


Yes, that one item will still show up. I can't think of any good way around that. You could name that item "_" instead of giving it a real name. This is how it looks on my packing list:364aa50acffae50058dd54ec98c0d92b

...and on the survey


You could name it "Ignore this line" if you think that would be less confusing. This is just a temporary fix, until IO can hopefully add a checkbox for this option.


I will see

How do you do to see what it looks like on the survey without completing it ?

From the lead, i click on the survey but arrive at the first question, can i go to the next without completing ?


You can go to the next question, then close the survey and delete it from the lead. I'm working in a fake lead, so it doesn't matter if I complete the survey or not.


Also, just check, i have this consumable as an accessory


And it still shows on the survey ?



You stumped me now! I can't figure that one out. I haven't used surveys for a few years, so I didn't notice these issues.


Oh ! Does not make a lot of sense to ask the customer is the sandbags, the foam fluid or the popcorn was satisfying... :)

Out of curiosity, why aren't you using the surveys ?

waiting for someone from IO to let me know if there is a way not to show items on the surveys ,,,,


We ask customers for a google review instead, and we've experimented with the manager survey, but we currently have our guys fill out a form with pen and paper. We get more info back that way. With the manager survey, it's tough to think of everything while you're completing the survey, so things get missed. On paper, they can add things as they come up.


Hello, just want to make sure someone from IO respond to my question: Casey and I tried to find a solution but could not...

When using the variable; %eventrentals% it lists all rentals including accessories, and stuff such as: sand bags and, in our case, volounteers and employees. Is there a way to exclude items from that list ? We do not want to exclude them from the packing list... but from the survey only

That will be also very important for the customer report... as i will not ask the customer to rank his volunteers or my employees....

Thank you


I have developers looking further into this.


Hello Gabrielle, do you have any news about this ? thank you


Per developers not currently possible and no plans to alter at this time.

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