Parent Child Items

Skylar P. shared this question 3 years ago

I had a system set-up of tent lighting packages based off of a Parent Item (40x120 Italian/Bistro string lighting) with a number of child relationships (all the tent sizes smaller than 40x120 in our 30'/40' wide wedding tents) all of these relationships were a way to track inventory of a number of "Italian/Bistro Lighting (Single Strand)" that we have in inventory. I went in and removed the lighting packages per tent size because I now want to just do 1 item "Italian/Bistro Lighting (Single Strand)" and manually enter the quantity needed per tent size. I inactivated all of the tent lighting size packages, went through every lead with these packages and changed them to have the correct quantity of the "Italian/Bistro Lighting (Single Strand)".

The problem I am having is when I went to inactive the parent item (40x120 Italian/bistro Lighting) the "Italian/Bistro Lighting (Single Strand)" which was a child to the parent item is now also inactive which I was expecting. How do I reactivate the "Italian/Bistro Lighting (single strand)" so that it continues to track inventory? The ID# for the "Italian/Bistro Lighting (single strand)" is #641830 in my inactive section of inventory. I attempted to make it active again but it just reverts to inactive when I click save.

Thank You,

- Skylar

Comments (1)


I think we fixed this on the phone yesterday :) But let me know if you have any other issues with it. I think the key with these is to detach the parent/child relationship before you make them inactive!

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