Lead set up date

Ryan F. shared this question 3 years ago

This lead was originally cancelled and rescheduled for June later this year. However the set up day says last September. I can't seem to figure out how to change the date. This customer gets wind alerts every time it is windy in their area

Comments (2)


In the new software it looks like the key is to clear out the travel time and the set up time first (Do this by hovering over them and it gives you the option) Then you can change the date on the delivery date. I was able to do this...and it does look like it saved for us!


why don't we make it so that when an order has been canceled it automatically removed travel time, delivery time and shifts. I have removed all of these and on the deliver planner it still will not show that I can schedule the delivery on the new date, only pick it up.


after I hit save it just goes back to the deliver date to the old one. I have the same problem on two other leads that switched dates. I am having trouble scheduling them.


I believe we have a ticket in for something like this...so that when you change the event date the delivery date changes too. What are the lead #'s let me take a look


I have cleared out travel and set up time and it still won't update and save. I am having leads already changed still showing up in the delivery planner in the wrong day. It is getting really hard to remember all of these errors that are going to screw us over. I have canceled about 10 orders due to rain and none of them and changing correctly.

A update needs to be done immediately. Why do we have to go delete about 5 different things when we cancel an order. It should automatically delete the set up time, travel time, tear down time, shifts. And then the contract? do you have to delete it and when you change the date does it automatically save it it to the new one. Because it doesn't seem to do this when the option to hit change pops up.

#7648871 this lead is still showing up in the deliver planner for the wrong day and won't clear set up and travel time.

#7429173 this lead has had the travel and set up times cleared and saved but it won't get rid of them. It has been moved to June but the delivery is only showing up in the delivery planning for the original date.

I'm afraid if I don't catch all of these when there new date comes they won't be scheduled for delivery and we will miss them.

there are multiple other leads with the same problem.

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