API - Stats - Retrieve List

Base URL: https://rental.software/api6
Required Query Parameters: apiKey
Required apiKey Permission: Overview Stats

GET /stats

Request Body Parameters

  • start stringdefault: 30 days ago
    • Unix timestamp of the start of the statistics window.
  • end string default: now
    • Unix timestamp of the start of the statistics window.

Response Schema

Response is sent in JSON format and lists all available statistic names and formatted values. For example, dollar amounts return with dollar signs and decimals.

Example Request

POST https://rental.software/api6/stats?apiKey=XXXX

Content-Type: application/json
    "start": "1721412543",
    "end": "1721326143"

Example Responses

Successful response example

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
   "Total Leads": "3261",
   "Total Events": "79",
   "Conversion Rate": "2.4%",
   "Total Web Leads": "367",
   "Total Web Events": "3",
   "Web Conversion Rate": "0.8%",
   "Total Sales": "$3,238.67",
   "Avg Event": "$41.00",
   "Avg Distance": "$0.00",
   "% Discounts": "0%",
   "Avg Rentals/Event": 3.4,
   "Avg Rental $/Event": "$26.06",
   "Avg Book Days": 36,
   "Avg Look Days": 31,
   "Autobook Total": "0",
   "Autobook %": "0%",
   "Pct Repeat": "0%",
   "Pct Repeat All": "2.6%",
   "Adwords Customers": "76",
   "Adwords Events": "0",
   "Adwords Total": "$0.00",
   "Facebook Customers": "26",
   "Facebook Events": "0",
   "Facebook Total": "$0.00",
   "Survey: Would Rent Again": "N/A",
   "Survey: Booking Process": 0,
   "Survey: Customer Service": 0,
   "Survey: Friendliness": 0,
   "Survey: Competence": 0,
   "Survey: Promptness": 0,
   "request_time": 1721324921

Error response examples

405 Method Not Allowed
Content-Type: application/json
    "status": 405,
    "message": "Only accepts GET requests"

403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json
    "status": 403,
    "message": "Permission access restricted. Overview Stats Full Access Required"
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